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The articles written by Brenda Kulfan. Articles are organized into categories which can be selected from the list below and can be downloaded by clicking on the article name.


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Aerodynamic Technology Assessments, Projections & Needs


Kirchner, M. E., and Kulfan, R. M., "Aerodynamic Expectations Through the Year 2000", AIAA-80-0894, May 1980, (Abstract, PDF)


Kulfan, R. M., "High Speed Civil Transport Opportunities, Challenges and Technology Needs", Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China - 1993 , vol 25, No 1, pages 1-20, (Abstract, PDF)


Kulfan, R.M., "Projecting and tracking Advanced Technology Improvements in L/D", First NASA / Industry High-Speed Research Configuration Aerodynamics Workshop, NASA-CDCP-1002, Part 2, pages 781-844, Feb 1996, (Abstract, PDF, PPT)


Kulfan, R. M., "Configuration Aerodynamics Metric Update" NASA / Industry High-Speed Research Aerodynamics Performance Workshop, Feb 1997, (Abstract, PDF, PPT)


Kulfan, B. M., "Revolutionary and Evolutionary Aspects of "Breakthrough" Supersonic Technologies", Presentation to National Research Council Committee on Breakthrough Technology for Commercial Supersonic Aircraft, January 2001, (Abstract, PDF, PPT)

Aeroelastic Loads Prediction


Manro, M. E., Bobbitt, P. J. and Kulfan, R. M., " The Prediction of Pressure Distributions on an Arrow-Wing Configuration Including the Effect of Camber, Twist, and a Wing Fin", NASA Conference Publication 2108, Supersonic Cruise Research 1979, part 1, Nov 1979, (Abstract, PDF)


Wery, A. C. and Kulfan, R. M., "Aeroelastic Loads Prediction for an Arrow Wing - Task II Evaluation of Semi-Empirical Methods" NASA CR-3641, March 1983, (Abstract, PDF)

Airplane Systems Studies


Kulfan, R. M. and Howard, W. M., "Application of Advanced Aerodynamic Concepts to Large Subsonic Transport Airplanes", Technical Report AFFDL-TR-75-112, Nov 1975


Kulfan, R. M. and Vachael, J. D., "Wing Planform Geometry Effects on Large Subsonic Military Airplanes", AFFDL-TR-78-16, February 1978


Jobe, C. E., Kulfan, R. M. and Vachael, J. D., "Wing Planforms for Large Military Transports", AIAA Paper 78-1470, Aug 1978


Jobe, C. E., Kulfan, R. M. and Vachael, J. D., "Wing Planforms for Large Military Transports", Journal of Aircraft, Aol. 16, No 7, Jul 1979, pages 425 - 432


BAC Preliminary Design Department, (Kulfan, R.M., Principal Investigator, study Leader and author), "Assessment of Variable Camber for Application to Transport Aircraft", NASA Contractor Report 158930, Nov. 1980

CFD Validation Studies with Unique Classic Wind Tunnel


Geometry Transformations


Kulfan, B. M. and Bussoletti J. E., "Fundamental" Parametric Geometry Representations for Aircraft Component Shapes", AIAA--2006-6948, Sept. 2006


Kulfan, B. M., "A Universal Parametric Geometry Representation Method - "CST"", AIAA--2007-0062, Jan. 2007


Kulfan, B.M., ""CST" Universal Parametric Geometry Representation Method With Applications to Supersonic Aircraft", Fourth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, Sept. 26-28, 2007


Kulfan, B.M., "Recent Extensions and Applications of the "CST"" Universal Parametric Geometry Representation Method", AIAA--2007-7709, Sept. 18-20, 2007


Kulfan, B.M., "The "CST" Universal Parametric Geometry Representation Method, Recent Extensions and Applications", RAeS Conference on Aerodynamic Drag Prediction and Reduction Capabilities and Future Requirements", Oct. 2007


Kulfan, B.M., "Universal Parametric Geometry Representation Method", Journal of Aircraft 2008, vol.45 no.1 pp 142-158.


Kulfan, B.M., "Recent Extensions and Applications of the 'CST' Universal Parametric Geometry Representation Method", RAeS Journal, Mar. 2010, pp 157-176


Kulfan, B.M., "Modification of CST Airfoil Representation Methodology", Unpublished Note


Kulfan, B.M., "Response to "Note on Parameterization of Airfoils" by D.P. Young.”, to be published

Hypersonic Aerodynamics


Kulfan, B. M.; "Aerodynamic Heating and Heat Conduction During Re-Entry", Unpublished Notes Developed in 1960 and Compiled in 2003


Kulfan, R. M., "Application of Hypersonic Favorable Aerodynamic Interference Concepts to Supersonic Aircraft", AIAA Paper 78-1458, August 1978


Kulfan, R. M., "Utilization of Hypersonic Aerodynamic Concepts in Supersonic Airplane Design", NASA 1st International Hypersonic Waverider Symposium, Oct 1990

Laminar Flow Control


Kulfan, R. M. and Vachael, J. D., "Application Of Laminar Flow Control To large Subsonic Military Transport Airplanes", Technical Report AFFDL-TR-77-65, July 1977


Jobe, C. E., Kulfan, R. M. and Vachael, J. D., "Application Of Laminar Flow Control To large Subsonic Military Transport Airplanes", AIAA Paper 78-95, Jan 1978


Jobe, C. E., Kulfan, R. M. and Vachael, J. D., "Application Of Laminar Flow Control To large Subsonic Military Transport Airplanes", Journal of Aircraft, Vol.16, No 3, Mar 1979, pages 170-176

Mathematical Notes



Kulfan, R. M. , "Notes on the Calculus of Variations" Written 1960, compiled 2008

Peleoaerodynamics and Biomimetics


Kulfan, B.M., "Dr. John McMasters: Following the Foot Steps of a Creative Paleoaerodynamicist" AIAA-2009-0869, Jan. 2009


Kulfan, B.M. "Inspirations, Adaprations, Technical Innovations and Design Similarties, Provided by Observations of Nature's Creations and Evolutionarys Development Processes", International Workshop Smart Materials, Structures & NDT in Aerospace Conference, 2-4, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Nov. 2011


Kulfan, B.M., "A Paleoaerodynamic Exploration of the Evolution of Natures Flyers and Man's Aircraft and Options for Future Technology Innovations.", Invited Plenery Paper, 16th annual SPIE Smart Structures and Materials/NDE, March 2009


Kulfan, B.M., "Paleoaerodynamic Exploration of the Evolution of Natures Flyers and Man's Aircraft and Options for Future Technology Innovations" Plenery Paper, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7288 728803 pp 1-59


Kulfan, B. M., "Paleoaerodynamic Explorations Part 1: Evolution of Biological and Technical Flight." AIAA-2010-0154 , January 4, 2010


Kulfan, B.M., "Paleoaerodynamic Explorations - Part 2: Options for Future Technology Innovations", AIAA-2010-0155, January 4, 2010

Propulsion / Airframe Aerodynamic Interface


Kulfan, R. M., "Prediction of Nacelle Aerodynamic Interference Effects at Low Supersonic Mach Numbers", 1979 NASA Cruise Research Conference, NASA CP-2108, Paper No 7, Nov 1979


Kulfan, R.M., and Blissell, W.A., "Analysis of Nacelle Transonic Interference Test Data", Section 4.0 of Advanced Concept Studies for Supersonic Vehicles", NASA CR-159244, May 1980


Kulfan, R. M., and Sigalla, A. S., "Airframe-Propulsion System Aerodynamic Predictions at High Transonic Mach Numbers Including Off-Design Engine Airflow Effects", AGARD Conference Proceedings No 301, Aerodynamics of Power Plant Installations", Paper No 35, May 1981


Chaney, S. and Kulfan, R. M., "HSCT Engine-Inlet Boundary Layer Diverter Analysis" First NASA / Industry High Speed Research Propulsion / Airframe Integration Workshop Pages, pages 431 - 474, Oct 26, 1993

Skin Friction and Viscous Drag


Kulfan, R.M., Et al, "Viscous Drag Predictions", HSR II, Configurations WBS, Sep 1998


Kulfan, R. M.., "Historic Background on Flat Plate Turbulent Flow Skin Friction and Boundary Layer Growth.", 1998 NASA High-Speed Research Program Aerodynamic Performance Workshop, Vol. 1, Part 1 Page: 477-513, Dec 01, 1999, NASA/CP-1999-209692/Vol. 1/Pt. 1


Kulfan, R. M., "Assessment of CFD Predictions of Flat Plate Skin Friction", 1999 NASA High- Speed Research Program Aerodynamic Performance Workshop, , NASA/CP-1999-209704/Vol. 1 Part 1, Pages 253-300, Dec 01, 1999


Kulfan, B. M., "Assessment of CFD Predictions of Viscous Drag", AIAA Paper2000-2391, June 21, 2000

Supersonic Aerodynamic Studies


Kulfan, R. M., "Application of Supersonic Favorable Aerodynamic to Fighter Type Aircraft", AFFDL-TR-78-33, April 1978


Kulfan, R.M., "Application of Favorable Aerodynamic Interference to Supersonic Aerodynamic Design", SAE Paper 901988, Oct 10, 1990, (Abstract)


Kulfan, B.M., "A New Supersonic Wing Far-Field Composite Element Wave Drag Optimization Method, "FCE", AIAA-2008-0132, Jan.2008


Kulfan, B.M., "New Supersonic Wing Far-Field Composite-Element Wave-Drag Optimization Method", Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 46, No. 5, Sept.- Oct. 2009, pp 1740-1758

Supersonic Flow Physics


Kulfan, R.M., "Real Flow Limitations in Supersonic Aerodynamic Design", AIAA Paper 78-147, Jan 01, 197


Kulfan, R.M., "Real Flow Limitations in Supersonic Aerodynamic Design", Journal of Aircraft, Vol 16, No 10, pages 645-658, Oct 1979


Kulfan, B. M. "Reynolds Numbers Considerations for Supersonic Flight", AIAA-2002-2839, June 2002, (Abstract)


Kulfan, B.M., "Fundamentals of Supersonic Wave Drag", Fourth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, Sept. 26-28, 2007

Transonic Aerodynamic Studies


Kulfan, B.M., Bussoletti, J.E. and Hilmes, C.L., "Pressures and Drag Characteristics of Bodies of Revolution at Near Sonic Speeds Including the Effects of Viscosity and Wind Tunnel Walls", AIAA-2007-0684, Jan 2007


Kulfan, B.M., Bussoletti, J.E. and Hilmes, C.L., "Aerodynamic Characteristics of Bodies of Revolution at Near-Sonic Speeds", JOA. Vol. 44, No. 6, Nov. - Dec. 2007, pp 1815-1841


Kulfan, B.M., "Aerodynamic of Sonic Flight", Seminar Notes Presented at Tohoku University, Sept. 2007

Variable Sweep Oblique Wing Studies


Kulfan, R. M., et al, "High Transonic Speed Transport Aircraft Study, Final Report", NASA CR-114658, 1973


Kulfan, R. M., "High Transonic Speed Transport Aircraft Study, Summary Report", NASA CR-2465, Sep 1974


Kulfan, R. M., et al, "Study of the Single-Body Yawed-Wing Aircraft Concept", NASA CR-137483, May 1974


Lee, C. A., Fletcher, M. J. and Kulfan, R. M., "Nacelle Location Study for an Oblique All-Wing Supersonic Transport", First NASA / Industry High Speed Research Propulsion / Airframe Integration Workshop, pages 591- 626, Oct 26, 1993

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